Computer Science III
Fall 1999

Charles E. Hughes


This policy is intended to encourage you to interact with your classmates, but within guidelines that support your learning and our need to accurately assess your performance.  You may discuss course materials, whether from the lectures, text or handouts. You may help each other understand algorithms, assignments and programming language syntax/semantics.   To consult with another student does not mean that you passively receive their solution.  In fact, assignment code sharing is strictly forbidden.  With each programming assignment you must include a list of the students with whom you have consulted.  The assignments that you hand in for the course must represent your own work and not that of a fellow student, past or present.  You may never directly copy another student's code or answers to a non-programming assignment. Violating these guidelines may result in no credit for an assignment, or worse.

I strongly recommend that you be part of a study group that works towards the common good of being well-prepared for quizzes and exams. However, no collaboration is allowed on exams and quizzes. Moreover, these tests are closed book.

Reminder of the UCF policy on Academic Honesty to which you have all agreed.

Sign and turn this in by the end of class on Tuesday, August 31.
Signature: Printed Name: