Frequently asked questions on Pass 2:

Where do I get the example2 files for pass 2? Do I have to fix any errors in my pass 1 before I write pass 2? Is anything from pass 1 used when running pass 2? How do I keep my pass 1 from getting in the way? How will we submit pass 2? In Pass 1, when we output the value of numeric constants into the symbol table they were in the same format (decimal, binary, hexadecimal) that they appeared in the input file. But, in the Pass 2 example files the numeric constants in the symbol table are all shown in decimal format. Which is correct? I thought that you said that the symbol table file doesn't contain the header line (the line that says "identifier", "size", etc.) that is in the handout... but the file example2.sym DOES include the header line!!!   What happened??? Is that it? That's all you are going to say?? What are we supposed to do now??? Do we expect to have the header line or don't we???? Once again, exactly what errors do we look for in Pass 2?