COP 3402 - System Software

Tuesday & Thursday 1:00-2:15pm Fall 2000
Instructor: Bill Allen Office Phone: 823-2366
Email: allen@cs.ucf.eduDept. Phone: 823-2341
Office Hours:see my web page at:
Course web

This course provides an introduction to system software and common software tools. Topics include assembly language, assemblers, linkers, loaders, macro processors and an introduction to compilers.


Required: System Software, 3rd edition, Leland L. Beck, Addison-Wesley, 1997

Suggested: lex & yacc, Levine, Mason & Brown, O'Reilly & Associates

Course Information:

Course material will include chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and parts of 5 from the textbook and will be supplemented by material on the course web page and from the suggested text.

All programming assignments must be implemented in standard (ANSI) C, not C++ or Java. Instruction and assistance in C syntax will be provided in the recitation. All assignments will be graded using the gcc compiler on the University's Olympus system. Olympus accounts will be provided. At least one of the small programming assignments will require the use of the lex and yacc programming tools, as described in the book lex & yacc by O'Reilly & Associates. Additional information on lex and yacc can be found in the man pages on Olympus.


All work must be done individually, no group work will be accepted. Period.
Protect your work to prevent someone else copying off of you. If two assignments are too similar for coincidence, they both get zeros.
  3 exams (comprehensive final) 325
  2 small programming assignments 50
  1 large project (2-pass assembler) 100
  total of quizzes given in recitation 25

Programming Project:

Details on the programming project will be provided well in advance. The project will involve writing a 2-pass assembler for an assembly language discussed in class.