February 11, 2002


CDA 4932 Follow-up on Assignment 1



If pRTI Chat example didn’t work for you, try the following:


Before anything, make sure that files prti.jar and jgl3.1.0.jar are copied into your Prti/Examples/Chat folder, together with Chat.java, Chat.class and chat.fed files.


New:                         Make sure that:

a)      You have connected to the network via dial-up, cable modem, etc.

b)      Disable any firewall software you are running.


Also, make sure that you use the proper Java version – at command prompt, type in the command:


java –version


The version returned should be 1.3.x. If not, download JRE 1.3 from java.sun.com



  1. Type the following address into web browser, or click:




  1. File download will start. Save the file onto your disk as prti.zip under prti folder on your hard drive, where you copied the CD contents.
  2. When download is complete, open prti.zip and extract prti.jar into the following folders:

-         Prti/lib

-         Prti/Examples/Chat


Note: You have to overwrite the old prti.jar file in each of those folders.


  1. Start pRTI, as described in previous handout. Click the Federates check box in GUI.
  2. Open DOS prompt and go to the folder Prti/Examples/Chat
  3. Type in the following command exactly (note the proper spelling):


java –classpath prti.jar;jgl3.1.0.jar;”%classpath%” Chat


  1. You should see Chat# federate registered in pRTI GUI window.
  2. Repeat steps 5-7 again to start another Chat federate.
  3. Type something in one window and press Enter. You should see the text appearing in another Chat window.
  4. If Chat example still doesn’t work – e-mail me at oleg@cs.ucf.edu



